Personal Loan
Loan Purpose
Term Loan to individual to support personal expenses including purchasing vacant land.
- Long repayment period (tenor up to 10 years)
- The borrower who has no business can also get the loan
- The borrower can pay down principal of the loan without any charge.
Currency Lending
LAK, THB, USD (depending on currency of borrowers’ income)
Maximum Tenor
10 years
- 10% p.a for USD and THB
- 11% p.a for LAK
Approval Fee: 1% of the loan limit
Required Document
1) Loan Application form
2) Support Purpose of the loan
- Loan Utilization Plan with clear evident or supporting document to justify purpose of the loan.
3) Identity Document of borrower and guarantor (if any)
- ID Card [copy]
- Household Registration Book [copy]
- Passport
4) Financial Documents:
- Bank Statement
- Employment Certificate (if source of income is from salary)
5) Collateral
- Title Deed of Land & Building or Vacant Land under name of main borrower or co-borrower [copy]
6) Other relevant document required by the bank